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Plastic Free July

July 15, 2018

Plastic Free July

The name says it all. Could you go an entire month without using plastic? The month long campaign has become a global challenge where single use plastics are avoided in the hopes to raise awareness for the huge masses of single-use plastic items that are effecting our beautiful environment and health. Plastic Free July can be for everyone as it allows you to do a challenge that can suit your lifestyle. You can participate by starting small and avoiding one or two of your mostly used single use plastics either for a day, a week, or for the month or opting to go completely plastic free and removing all single-use plastics from your lifestyle for July. Every piece of plastic ever created still exists today as it does not decompose, and with education comes change, small changes can make a huge impact! We have put together some tips to help you help save our beautiful environment!
Guide to Plastic-Free July
Starting small The Big 4! Plastic bags, plastic bottles, coffee cups and straws. Start small by picking one, two or all of the above and try go a day, a week or a month without using them
1. Try go an entire month without using any plastic bottles (use our funky reusable water bottles)
2. Try going a whole month without using take away coffee cups (the lids are made from plastic and the inside of the cardboard is lined with a thin layer of plastic)
3. Try going a week without using any of the Big 4 (plastic straws, bottles, bags and cups)  
Too easy? Next steps... If that sounds too easy then your next step might be to start shopping plastic free.
1. Buy all of your fruit and veggies singularly (so not packaged in bundles) and using reusable veggie bags.
2. Shampoo and Conditioner bottles can easily be switched for shampoo and conditioner bars that are plastic free, even switch over your plastic toothbrush for a bamboo tooth brush.
3. Using paper bags instead of plastic doggy poop bags to pick up your dogs bits (those council poop bags are the worst!)   Completely Plastic Free! If you have most of that down packed, then you should take-up the month challenge of going COMPLETELY plastic free! Some idea's can include: 1. Instead of using glad wrap, use bees wax wraps (they are amazing). 2. Switch out your cleaning products for plastic free products or make your own and store in glass jars. 3. Compost all of your food scraps.